Behind the scenes it takes a village to dedicate time to a variety of committees tasked with specific needs. Our committees are frequently in need of additional volunteer help, and we encourage you to contact the listed committee chair for more information. Their contact information can be found in the annual directory or by contacting our Association office at or 480-380-0106.
Established per the Association Bylaws
Committee | Delegated Responsibilities | Chair | Board Liaison |
Architectural Control Committee | Implement ACC governing documents | Courtney Bohlender | Architectural Control Chair |
Elections Committee | Implement elections in accordance with Association governing documents | Doug Spencer | President |
Nominating Committee | Implement nominations to Board of Directors in accordance with Association governing documents | Linda Rowland | President |
Established per the Board of Directors
Committee | Delegated Responsibilities | Chair | Board Liaison |
Bingo Committee | Conduct SVE Bingo in accordance with Arizona statues | Linda Cerf & Lin-Da Stougard | N/A |
Building Committee (Dog Park) | Assist in the planning, execution, and communication to Board in relation to new Dog Park in 2024 | Jim Varner | MAL |
Building Committee (Softball Storage Building) | Assist in the planning, execution, and communication to Board in relation to the removal of the existing softball storage building and rebuild of a larger storage building in 2025 | Paul Courtney | Treasurer |
Governing Document Committee | Review and provide feedback to the Board on proposed governing document updates to comply with State and Federal statues/laws | Linda Cerf | Secretary |
Neighborhood Watch Committee | Develop and maintain neighborhood watch program, coordinate with SVE security and management, interface with local law enforcement to support education and community involvement | Boyd Tong | Security and Safety |
Pool Committee | Develop remodeling concepts for pools, prepare ballot measures for pool remodels, present opportunities for the pools to the Board | Carol Daugherty | Vice President |
Strategic Vision and Research Planning (SVRP) | Mission Statement: Through strategic vision and pro-active planning, under direction of the SVE BOD, it is our mission to explore emerging trends and changing environments by developing strategies that will enhance our community’s growth, well-being, and sustainability. | OPEN | ACC |
Volunteer Committee | Coordinate volunteers to support the Association, Coordinate and support the ‘Welcome’ sub committee to welcome new homeowners | Joan Bailey | Vice President |